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Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Strength

"Grant me patience to deal with my blessings".  Sometimes blessings in your life aren't always easy.  For me, having multiple sclerosis has been a blessing, although it has been like a roller coaster for the last 7 years.  During the high points, I feel and look "normal".  During the lows, I have to remember that God gave me MS and He will help me through it.  Your mind can be a very powerful thing and I've been known in the past to freak myself out to the point where I won't take my medicine.  There was a time when I struggled to the point that if I would end up taking my medicine, it would be at 2:00am because I fought myself so much.  But, I've learned to give it over to God.  Now, each week when I have to take my medicine, I pray that God gives me the strength to shove that needle into my leg.  And, He does!  What a blessing it is to see Him work in my life each and every week!  It's still not an easy thing for me, but the One that bore the pain for my sins, comforts me through the pain when I take my medicine.

Thank you, Jesus, for loving me and blessing me with MS.


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