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Friday, July 8, 2011

Gilenya Baby!

I was diagnosed with MS 8 years ago.  It's hard to believe that!  I've had several ups and downs, but God has been right there through them all!  Right now, I'm on the up and up!  In September 2010, the first oral treatment for MS was approved by the FDA!  This pill was created to slow down the progression of the disease.  You can read more about Gilenya by clicking on this link:

For 8 years I have been waiting for this!  When I was first diagnosed I couldn't imagine having to give myself a shot each week.  It was a constant battle with me not wanting to take it for many reasons.  The biggest was I didn't want to give myself flu like symptoms, which is what that medication did.  So, when I heard the news about Gilenya I knew I wanted to switch.  Results have shown that Gilenya has been even more effective than my previous medicine!  April 2011 I went to see my neurologist for a check up and the next month I started Gilenya.  It's been almost 2 months now and I feel great!  I have to take a pill every day, but it's so much easier than taking a shot!  And, another huge blessing is that my doctor enrolled me in a copay support program through Gilenya and they pick up the tab!  So, to recap, I don't have to stick a needle into my leg each week, I don't have any side effects, AND I don't have to pay anything!!!!!!!!!!!  GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!


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